This Week in Absurdities and Atrocities
I dearly loved my adopted home state of Georgia with certain exceptions.
Shortly before my wife and I retired and moved here, to a beautiful area on a lake near mountain views, U.S. Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene had just been elected to her first term in Congress. I really don’t think anyone knew much about her beyond her dyed in the wool support for the soon to be outgoing President, Donald J. Trump. Since then, the parade of lunacies coming from her office have not seemed to slow down. In fact, she was re-elected last November when many Republicans, of which she is one, thought a “Red Wave” would make them de facto controllers of all of the U.S. Congress. This, of course, failed to materialize.
Beyond her continuing support for the former president, it’s nearly impossible to know why her constituents voted her into Congress twice, since she failed to complete any surveys which would tell people where she stood on key issues in her district. This, according to Ballotpedia in 2020 and 2022.
When the Democrats assumed control of the House of Representatives in 2020, Greene voted “Nay” on every single bill which hit the floor for a vote during the 117th Congress. Even the ones where reliably conservative Republicans had crossed the aisle to vote in favor of.
Ms. Greene, who divorced shortly after she was re-elected last November has continued with her vitriolic behaviors and statements apace, unapologetic for any of the outrageous things she has been documented as saying, since before her first run in 2020.
People have been saying nonsensical things from positions of power for millennia, as we know, and that’s not a problem until they develop a serious following which Ms. Greene appears to have done. Here are a few gems:
- Regarding Reps. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Talib being sworn into office on the Quran: “I really want to go talk to these ladies and ask them what they are thinking, and why they are serving in our American government,” adding “they should really go back to the Middle East”. Greene also said they weren’t officially members of Congress since they weren’t sworn in on Bibles.
- In 2021, Ms. Greene tied the California wildfires to space lasers operated and financed by the Rothschilds (the Jewish European bankers who control everything), PG&E and then Governor Jerry Brown, who authorized the lighting of those fires using the lasers back in 2018, when they occurred.
- As an anti-feminist, she recently declared Nikki Haley, former Ambassador to the United Nations, and former Governor of South Carolina, “Bush in heels” as Ms. Haley announced her run for President.
- Most recently, Greene has declared that American conservatives (i.e., Red State/Blue State ideologies) somehow need to “divorce” from one another, thus becoming two nations. This would be something akin to what occurred in 1861 during the Civil War. Perhaps Greene was brought up calling this the “War of Northern Aggression.”
- Her and others decrying America’s stance in Ukraine as foregoing American interests at home ignore the great influence we are building in Europe and around the world by our ongoing assistance. This, for a fraction of what it would cost to actually go there and fight. To her credit, Rep. Greene did get in a dig about the fact that President Zelenskyy greeted President Biden while not wearing a tie in the warzone at Kiev.
There are many problems here. The Congresswoman is gaining influence despite her outrageous statements and behavior. What she calls a divorce is unconstitutional and is really secession. If she knew much about the history of the country—she did go to college—some of these things might have come across her path in a textbook.
The ultra-right faction of the Republican party has taken a headlong nosedive into a shallow pool of idiocy led by the Trumpist, conspiracy-driven so-called Freedom Caucus of the party.
I’m a conservative person who recognizes the value of sensible people behaving, speaking, and building sensible platforms, and structures to accomplish tasks for everyone in the nation. We must not be allowed to surrender the freedoms we have for the fear-mongering, foolishness espoused by the power mad inside the beltway by people like this ever.
The damage now done, even with Marjorie Taylor Greene gone at some point in the future, the healing will take years.
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