Kamalanomics: One Woman's Marxism


There is a serious tendency toward capitalism among the well-to-do peasants.--Mao Zedong

If you weren't clear on where Old Joe Biden and the Democrats, now Vice President Kamala Harris--his quick replacement--stood on taxation, socialism, and how we are going to take care of all the undocumented people that came into the country the last nearly four years--guess.

Not since the Clinton administration sent much of our industrial capacity offshore in the mid-1990s have we been in such bad shape as a nation economically. Ross Perot was right in 1992 when he commented about that "giant sucking sound" of jobs and industries leaving America because of NAFTA--the North American Free Trade Agreement-- which we have been paying for ever since. Globalism was no replacement for capitalism, it just moved it to places that made wealthy people wealthier--even here in America. Some of them are financing Ms. Harris!

Biden/Harris's tax proposals--I phrase it this way because Biden started it but got no where with it--includes a $5 Trillion "revenue raising proposal" that looks an awfully lot like a tax grab from the middle class and people that own any property. Much of the legacy media will try to persuade you otherwise, but this is the crux of what they want to do. Even liberal democrats have run from it in the past.

Here's why, and why you should be screaming in utter shock at the proposal, because non-payment could include a land grab not seen since the Soviet Union and Communist China did it in the 20th century. No wonder her cackling nonsense of word-salads includes no specifics and lots of vibes and barbs aimed at her opponents. It's a Great Leap Backward. Chairman Mao would have loved it.

Tax increases means no decreases in government spending, with deficit-spending now at an all-time high of $35 Trillion, with you and I holding the bag. The elected ones in D.C. have long forgotten us once the elections are over and are in the bag for the same billionaires Harris claims to want to raise taxes on--thus the "Uniparty" title.

The proposal that got my attention, being a retiree, has to do with my home and property. I also have a younger brother and sister who own property. My soon to be 92 year old Dad is a hero to me. A Cold-Warrior his entire adult life (my late Mom, too) he is cared for by my nearly retired sister. 

Harris wants to tax his home when he passes, even if he wills it to her. My brother would likely suffer the same fate with his wife, who is older and bedridden. What if those taxes are too steep? Does the government take the house and property? If so, where do they go? Who will replace them in those houses?

We have millions upon uncounted millions of people who have flooded our borders since 2021 thanks to Biden/Harris policies. Will they replace my brother and sister there? Like I said: heavy on vibes, thin on specifics.

In any case, this is another instance where the overreaching, overspending incompetence of a federal government, that has taken from us with impunity for decades, will now do so based on "Vibes".

Tim Walz, Harris's Vice Presidential running mate dismissed a lot of the rhetoric, in his awe shucks sort of way, by saying "one man's socialism is another man's neighborliness".

And Vibes might just get them what they want. Emotions drive campaigns and elections, not facts, especially these days. High ideals, debates about concepts and consequences of decisions don't come up, and one won't see them on the news. No one reads much of anything anymore, so don't count on too many Gen Z and Millenials reading newspapers for detailed facts about the economy. 

That's why there is so much ignorance about history and why we are in such financial straits as we are in these days. I'll bet you didn't know the economies of China and Russia are in freefall and could crumble as nations altogether within a couple of years. You won't get that in the western media. 

Back when Harris was a U.S. Senator in 2018, she proposed something called L.I.F.T. (Livable Income for Families Today). Biden tried the same thing but called it by another name. It never passed the Senate--even under Democrat control. We've seen in recent days just how poorly the economy has fared with their tax/economic plans and how the administration essentially lied about jobs numbers since Covid eased up in 2021. LIFT is straight up redistribution of wealth from better off people to those who earn less.

Tax policy, or revenue raising if you wish, has always been a We vs. They proposition. Where I live we have a Democrat County Administrator who is a genius at keeping a balanced budget, making sure all the right things get done in a timely fashion, the pot holes get filled, traffic lights get fixed, and so on. He says he didn't leave the party, the party left him. He's right.

We are in a heavily Red county in the south, too. People, myself included, love the work he does. I will vote for him as long as he keeps doing what he's doing. Conversely, we have a deeply Red district Congressman, who quotes a lot of the talking points straight off Fox News. As far as I'm concerned, as long as he's in D.C. doing that, he's part of the problem.

Parties are meaningless after election day, and you may as well face it. The conventions don't mean a thing anymore, and the  vibes won't either. Time to dig in, do some serious objective thinking and get past the ugliness of all these people. 

No one here is a visionary, and we're stuck. 

I've quoted him before, and I will close with this from the French philosopher Joseph de Maistre:

Every nation has the government it deserves.